Monday, July 20, 2015

A Perfect World - Part 1

QUESTION:  If you were given your very own planet in the universe to do with whatever you would like, what would life on that planet be like?

PLANETARY DESCRIPTION:  If I were to be able to choose a planet that I would like to inhabit, I would definitely choose an earth-like planet, a planet with the full capability to sustain a vast array of lifeforms.  The planet that I would choose would be filled with the similar natural wonders that our Earth has provided us with throughout the millennia.  This Earth-like planet would consist of an array of tall and beautiful mountain ranges, some with snow caps, and others without.  This planet would also contain an abundance of the most beautiful flora that we see here on earth.  There would be waterfalls, streams, oceans, and beaches.  I would fill this planet with selections of my favorite fauna who would not fear the humans who inhabited it.  They would live peacefully side by side.

HUMANKIND:  If I were required to allow human kind to live on this planet, I would be exceptionally choosy about their moral and ethical codes of conduct.  I say this, because I have a significant issues with a great percentage of the humans on this Earth, which we now inhabit (This will be discussed in further detail in Part 2). 

MORAL AND ETHICAL CONDUCT:  Should this planet be inhabited by humans they would be required to live by a positive and ethically moral code of conduct.  These humans should respect others and treat others the way they would want to be treated themselves.  They would help their neighboring human when that human is in need of, or living without, a life-sustaining necessity (food, water, shelter and clothing).  There would be no monetary system to produce greed and judgment based on who has a greater number of points, and wealth would rather be measured in happiness and love.

A perfect world, right? 

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